Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pokemon Dawn Gets A Wegie

Carhuaz Amazonian Peru has 332.975 inhabitants and as many language families in America

The population of Amazonian native communities amounts to 332.975 people scattered in 11 counties, grouped into 12 language families until 2007, according to the publication "chars sociodemographic eristic of ethnic groups Peruvian Amazon and the geographical area in which they reside "presented today.
The document presented by the National Statistics Institute (INEI) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was developed with the national census results developed in 2007: XI Census of Population and Housing VI and the Second Census of Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon.
"The surveys we have identified that there are graphic and cartographic 1.786 indigenous communities located in 11 departments, and know the characteristics of population and community where they reside, "said the head of INEI, Aníbal Sánchez Aguilar.
The census 2007 and the second census of indigenous communities, let us establish that the population of those communities rose to 332.975 inhabitants, which represents 1.21% of the population census of the country.
"This shows that there was a slight increase compared to the proportion they represented in 1993 was 1.09%," he said. Amazon
population is located in the departments of Loreto, Ucayali, Amazonas, San Martín, Cusco, Ayacucho, Junín, Pasco, Huanuco, Cajamarca and Madre de Dios. In them there are 52 ethnic groups, of which 50 are fully identified.
points out that the census population is located in 124 districts of the country. "The Peruvian Amazon represents 62 percent of national territory", apuntó.Familias lingüísticasEl document highlights that indigenous communities have been characterized by grouped into language families, totaling 13: Arawak, Jibaro, Quechua, cloth, Cahuapana, Tupi- Guarani pebayagua, huitoto, huarakmbut-harakmbet, Tucano, Zaparo, Tacana and a group called "unclassified."
"No other country in the Americas with more language families than ours. However, we share with other countries in Latin certain of these families, " Sanchez said Aguilar.Otra important feature, he said, is that the population of indigenous communities reached a median age of 16 years, corresponding to 16.5 years for men and for women 15.4 años.Dicha figure reflects an extremely young population because the 50 percent would be below the 16 years.The population under age 18 enumerated in indigenous Amazonian communities amounted to 179.394, of which 39.2% were under six years and is the first population-age population infancia.La school from 6 to 11 years accounted for 34.4% and among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years represented 26.4%.
addition, the census population of working age (PET) in those communities rose to 182.666 people. Of this total, 53.1% are employed, 1.6% unemployed and 45.3% non-SAP integration.
According to the category of occupation of the SPA, in the Amazonian indigenous communities shows that most of the self-employed make up (52%), followed unpaid family workers (23.9%), workers (15.8%) and employees (6.1%).
birth certificates and ID of the publication shows that 92.2% of the population, which is in absolute 304.332 inhabitants, has a birth certificate. And the total population 18 and over (153.581 inhabitants), 85.1% (130.692 inhabitants) is the National Identity Document (DNI).
On the other hand, the 1.786 indigenous communities who recorded the census, 80.5% reported to be recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture. The largest percentage of communities with appropriate recognition to the Arawak linguistic family (38.1%), followed by the Jivaro (24.5%), the cloth (11.2%) and Quechua (9.45%).
The paper also presents the theme socioeconomic characteristics such as education, health, transport and roads, among others. The meeting was attended
Esteban Caballero Carrizosa, representative for Peru and Chile and Uruguay director of UNFPA, as well as specialists in the field.


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