1 CD The Alpha and Theta brainwaves, along with the music, supercharge love and sexuality. Intensified the feeling of ecstasy, sensuality and pleasure. Experience euphoria and exaltation release of endorphins that flood your system. This state of ecstasy of pleasure removes psychic barriers, deeply entrenched inhibitions and fears. You will feel transported into a realm of sensual inspiration and attuned to experience sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Listen to the audio daily as a meditation and relaxation, to expand your heart and create more sexual energy. You can also play music by the speakers (without headphones) to create a sensual atmosphere for you and your partner.
4 .--- How to Make Love All Night and a woman go mad --- Barbara Keesling
57MB "HOW TO MAKE LOVE ALL NIGHT (and wowed a woman)." According to author Dr. Barbara Keesling (sexologist for almost 20 years), any man can master the simple teachings, presented in a simple and easy to learn in this audio. Dr. Keesling
a direct, practical, and entertaining explains a series of exercises and techniques to the man and prolong lovemaking regardless of age and experience. These exercises are for the body and the mind, seeking sexual experience lasts, it lasts and lasts. And like every new thing, the key is practice, practice, practice. Narrated http://freakshare.com/files/sihvblbb/VS.Plena.ibaiondo.part1.rar.html
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